Climate Statement Analysis is a one-day focused and practical course designed exclusively to support Primary Users (investors, lenders, creditors) practically understand how to read, interpret, and critically analyse the essential information contained within a Climate Statement. 

Climate Statement Analysis is a one-day focused and practical course designed exclusively to support Primary Users (investors, lenders, creditors) practically understand how to read, interpret, and critically analyse the essential information contained within a Climate Statement. The course aims to empower those tasked with making investment or lending decisions and allocating capital accordingly.

  • Why climate reporting matters and what’s the role of Primary Users in addressing climate change.
  • What should a Primary User find within a Climate Statement?
  • How should a Primary User practically critique a Climate Statement? Including how to identify the areas preparers have done well and the areas that warrant attention – including a deep dive into critiquing preparer’s transition plans.
  • How to use the information to support investment (or lending) decisions.
  • How best to leverage stewardship to support preparers with the transition to a low-emissions, climate-resilient future state.


Released in January 2023, the Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standards were a world first.

These standards ultimately seek to provide a support Primary Users by providing entities (preparers) with a consistent framework to consider and report their climate-related risks and climate-related opportunities, such that in Primary Users can use the information to support investment decisions, and ultimately allocate capital towards activities that are consistent with a low-emissions, climate-resilient future state. 

Benefits & Outcomes

The course will be of benefit to investors, lenders and creditors, and other Primary Users who will use the Climate Statements prepared by preparers to support their investment or lending decisions. 

Outcomes for participants include

  • Understanding the objectives of the Climate Standards, and the role of Primary Users
  • Appreciating just why and how a changing climate can impact investment returns and increase risk
  • Knowing what to expect in a Climate Statement and the role of the FMA in driving compliance
  • Identifying key considerations when reading and interpreting a Climate Statement
  • Practically critiquing a Climate Statement – including identifying what is not included
  • How best to leverage stewardship to support preparers with the transition to a low-emissions, climate-resilient future state.

Using publicly available disclosures, the course will include deep dives into selected elements of a Climate Statement, including the governance, risk management, metrics and targets sections.  Critically, the course will also cover how to critique a preparer’s strategy and the transition plan elements of their strategy.  

All sessions will be interactive and will include workshop exercises based on publicly available Climate Statements released by preparers.  There will also be opportunities for participants to ask questions. 


This practical training course is designed specifically for professional Primary Users of the Climate Statements released by Climate Reporting Entities (Preparers). 

It has been designed to focus on the needs of investors, lenders, and other users who will be involved in reading and interpreting the Climate Statements and allocating capital accordingly, including:  

  • Chief Investment Officers
  • Investment and/or portfolio managers
  • Investment analysts
  • ESG Investment analyst
  • Institutional bankers
  • Insurers
  • Financial advisors and wealth managers
  • Trustees & Supervisors



  1. The Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standards - Introduction and overview of the Climate Standards
  2. Climate-related risks and opportunities - fundamentals for investors - Why and how a changing climate can impact investment returns and increase risk
  3. The FMA’s role and key considerations when reading a Climate Statement
  4. Using Climate Statements to support investment decisions - With a focus on governance and risk management
  5. Using Climate Statements to support investment decisions - With a focus on risks, impact and strategy
  6. Using Climate Statements to support investment decisions- How to critique a preparers' targets and their approach to the transition
  7. Investor/lender action through effective engagement - How best to utilize stewardship to improve issuer resilience

SESSION 1. The Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standards - Introduction and overview of the Climate Standards

This session will provide a high-level introduction to the Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standards, including why were they introduced?
Participants will understand the two core objectives of the standards, the four key pillars of NZ CS 1, and the principles contained within NZ CS 3 (including materiality).


Erica Miles, Director, West Nine Consulting

SESSION 2. Climate-related risks and opportunities - fundamentals for investors

The session will provide participants with a high-level overview of climate science, climate-related risks, and climate-related opportunities.

It will help participants appreciate the sheer magnitude of impact and why climate change will have a profound impact on our economy – and on investments

Key topics will include:

  • How global climate change translates into national and local impacts
  • How climate change is, and can have, significant impacts on the economy
  • What are the differences in acute and chronic climate impacts and why does this matter  
  • The importance of an “orderly transition”, and why a “too little too late” scenario will negatively impact the investment returns
  • Realising the opportunities – why the transition to a low emissions economy presents opportunities for Primary Users.  


Hunter Douglas, Climate Scientist, and Jonathan Skilton, Lead Partner Sustainability Reporting & Assurance, PwC

SESSION 3. The FMA’s role and key considerations when reading a Climate Statement

This session will initially cover the role of the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) in the regime and their compliance monitoring approach. The FMA will also provide an overview of their expectations around the synergies between Financial Statements and Climate Statements.

The session will then progress into the key considerations Primary Users should be aware of when making their own assessments of a Climate Statement. This includes challenges around uncertainty, comparability, alignment between other preparer reports, and the need for preparers to consider risks and opportunities across a value chain.

The session will conclude with the FMA providing their initial observations on recently published Climate Statements.


Jacco Moison Head of Audit, Financial Reporting & Climate Related Disclosures and Michael van Zijl, Acting Manager, Climate Related Disclosures, FMA

SESSION 4. Using Climate Statements to support investment decisions - With a focus on governance and risk management

This practical and interactive session will look at Climate Statements, raise some questions and consider how the disclosures support Primary Users to make investment decisions.

Focusing on the governance and risk management disclosures of the Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standard NZ CS 1, this interactive session will provoke critical thinking, and give Primary Users a chance to identify and discuss the key insights they can take from the information the preparer has, and has not, provided.

With a focus on materiality (information to support investment decisions), participants will learn to practically critique the governance and risk management sections of a Climate Statement.


Judy Ryan, Technical Advisor Sustainability Reporting, External Reporting Board

SESSION 5. Using Climate Statements to support investment decisions - With a focus on risks, impact and strategy

Following the earlier session, this practical and interactive session will focus on the strategy pillar of the Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standard NZ CS 1, and how to use the information to support investment decisions.

The session will focus on whether preparers have effectively assessed and presented the material risks and opportunities applicable to their sector, and how Primary Users can practically critique a scenario analysis and the preparers’ strategic response(s) to the risks.  


Sue Walker, Senior Manager Responsible Investing, Harbour Asset Management

SESSION 6. Using Climate Statements to support investment decisions - How to critique a preparers' targets and their approach to the transition

This workshop session will help equip Primary Users to interpret and critique a Preparer’s targets and their approach to the transition. 

Using publicly available disclosures as worked examples, the session will focus on assessing a preparers’ targets, whether there is a credible strategy to deliver those targets, and how the transition (including mitigation and adaptation) is addressed in their strategy. 


Olaf Adam, Head of ESG Advisory, Westpac New Zealand Limited

SESSION 7. Investor/lender action through effective engagement - How best to utilize stewardship to improve issuer resilience

This interactive and practical session will help Primary Users identify the key areas of risk and opportunity for an entity and prioritise which are most important to influence through stewardship.

Using publicly available disclosures as worked examples, the session will then focus on how Primary Users can constructively use engagement to improve issuer resilience to climate change.

This will include practical tips on how to develop an influential engagement strategy, and when and why engagement escalation would be needed.


Grace O'Hanlon, Sustainable Investment Analyst, Milford



Prior to attending, it is recommended participants be familiar with the Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standards (NZ CS1 to NZ CS3) as well as the Readers Guide: Navigating the Climate Statements, prepared the External Reporting Board and Financial Markets Authority in June 2024.


Tuesday 6th May 2025 
8.30am to 5.00pm
DLA Piper
Level 15, PwC Tower
15 Customs Street West
Auckland CBD

This course is a focused day-long session and includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.

7.5 hours CPD available.


The session will be facilitated by recognised specialists in their fields, including:

West Nine Consulting

External Reporting Board


Harbour Asset Management


INFINZ member price
$775 including GST

Non-member price
$975 including GST

Places are limited and will be provided on a first in first served basis. 
Please advise any dietary requirements when enrolling.


10% discount off total for 3 or more registrations from same organisation
(including directors) - applies to members and non-members

20% discount off total for 5 or more registrations from same organisation
(including directors) - applies to members and non-members

25% discount for members outside of Auckland (INFINZ members only)

Only one discount applies to any single registrant


Tickets can be transferred to another person at any time without penalty (if they are from the same charging group)
Full refund if cancelled more than 28 days prior
50% refund if cancelled between 14 and 28 days prior
25% refund if cancelled between 7 and 14 days prior
No refund if cancelled within 7 days of the event


Places are limited and will be provided on a first in first served basis.

Contact Faith Taylor to enquire.

Please advise dietary requirements when registering.

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