Rod Drury, CEO of Xero

11.40am - 12.10pm or 12.10pm - 12.30pm

The story of a serial entrepreneur. Focusing on the technology space Rod has harnessed innovation and established a number of start ups. Xero has gone to market to raise capital a number of times - we will hear from Rod about identifying the problem and building a brand around the solution, establishing confidence and raising capital both in New Zealand and overseas.

How have notable offshore investors been encouraged to join Xero as either investors or Directors or both and how has this facilitated growth of Xero and specifically its objective of “cracking” the US market.

Key Themes: Innovation, building a brand, establishing confidence and raising capital.

About Rod

Rod is CEO and founder of NZX-listed Xero an online accounting solution for small businesses.

One of New Zealands leading technology entrepreneurs Rod was NZ Herald Business Leader of the year in 2012, in the New Zealand Hi-Tech Hall of Fame, NZ Hi-Tech Entrepreneur of the Year in 2006 and 2007, World Class New Zealander for ICT in 2008 and an Honorary Fellow of the NZ Computer Society.

Rod was recently a Director of the New Zealand Stock Exchange and is a member of Victoria University of Wellington Faculty of Commerce Advisory Board.

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