INFINZ stands for a vibrant, efficient and transparent financial and capital market to better serve the needs of NZ’s economy. We have over 2000 members with more than 450 new members joining in the past year.

Members include: institutional and investment bankers, sharebrokers and corporate financiers, CFOs, treasurers, directors, corporate lawyers, regulators, academics, journalists, tertiary students and funds management professionals.

INFINZ provides unrivalled practitioner focussed education, actionable insights, networking and mentoring opportunities for professionals in the financial services ecosystem, enabling them to accelerate their careers and business development, and to stay informed with the latest industry trends

Membership is on an individual basis, with each member required to adhere to our code of ethics.



Memberships are individuals divided into specific focus Groups. All members are welcome to attend any of the focus group.


Open to all members, presentations are focused on current market topics from Industry Leaders.

Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch

Leaders Group

Designed for members in their 30s moving from subject matter experts to leadership positions, presentations are focused on current market topics from Industry Leaders and how to be more impactful with senior management and the Board.

Opportunities are provided to attend events with your peers and senior members to build your professional network. Mentoring programme with senior professionals, and discounted entry to the annual INFINZ Conference.

Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch

Young Finance

For members under 30, presentations are focused on growing industry knowledge and advancing their career. Female YFPs will automatically be included in the YWF networking group.

Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch

Young Women In
Finance (YWF)

A sub-set of the YFP group, the Young Women in Finance group is for young women in finance-related roles who wish to engage and connect.

Find out more here

Auckland, Wellington


Eligible for students at tertiary institutions studying finance, commerce, business journalism and law, who are not employed.

Attendance at YFP events and dedicated student events focused on how to get that first internship or permanent role. Scholarships to the INFINZ Conference to selected applications, and attendance at most INFINZ events are complimentary - an opportunity to learn as well as mix and mingle with potential employers, with heavily discounted fees to attend the annual INFINZ Conference.


Those with the requisite five years relevant work experience can apply for Certified Membership which recognises their skills and enables them to stand for election to the INFINZ Board and vote at AGMs. Click here for criteria PDF



INFINZ holds a number of events each year, ranging from monthly speakers and one day forums, to our premier annual Awards Dinner and Conference.
All our events provide an educational component, including the Annual Conference attended by over 500 people, and an additional 50 educational events held regularly in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Events are free or heavily discounted for members.

Events Calendar


All our events provide networking opportunities, including the annual INFINZ Awards black-tie dinner for 800 guests and the annual INFINZ Conference that hosts around 600 delegates. Over 3000+ people attend our additional 50 events around the country – each provide networking opportunities, plus the YWF group provides virtual and face to face coffee matching groups.
Our social media platforms also provide networking opportunities through LinkedIn and Facebook.


INFINZ distributes regular newsletters to members with information from discount offers to external partners events to relevant industry updates and white papers.


INFINZ is influential in shaping the legislation and regulatory structure of NZ's financial services ecosystem and was active in contributing to development of the FMCA and associated regulations which are now in force.


The INFINZ Mentoring Programme was established in 2014 with the goal of developing younger or less experienced people in the industry and providing a new and interesting proposition to our emerging leaders and young professionals. This FREE programme for members under 40 years of age, aligns with the INFINZ mission to foster the professional development and education of members within New Zealand’s financial services eco-system.

Programme Framework


INFINZ educational events qualify for CPD hours for other professional bodies such as IOD, NZICA and the Law Society. All charges, where applicable, are in NZD.


Those with the requisite qualifications and/or experience are acknowledged through Certified Status. Those with the requisite five years relevant work experience can apply for Certified Membership which recognises their skills and enables them to stand for election to the INFINZ Board and vote at AGMs.


Follow us on social media


(all fees inclusive of GST)

Those with the requisite five years relevant work experience can apply for Certified Membership
 which recognises their skills and enables them to stand for election to the INFINZ Board and vote at AGMs.
Click here for criteria PDF


Twelve month membership

($25 for renewals with prompt payment disc)

Membership Benefits:
  • Free entry to four INFINZ YFP events
  • Free or discounted entry to all other INFINZ events
  • Opportunity to apply for Student Conference Scholarship
  • Networking with senior leaders and peers
Automatic YWF membership for females
Young Finance Professionals
Young Women in Finance

(Under 30 years)


Twelve month membership

($102.50 for renewals with prompt payment disc)

Enquire about a two-year membership and save

Membership Benefits:
  • Free entry to four INFINZ YFP events
  • Free or discounted entry to all other INFINZ events
  • Opportunity to apply for 12-month Mentorship
  • CPD Hours for your chosen profession
  • Half-price entry to INFINZ Annual Conference
  • Networking with senior leaders and peers
    Additional benefits for YWFs
  • *Automatic YWF membership for females
  • *Free entry to four YWF events
  • *Access to YWF coffee groups

Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch

Emerging Leaders Group

(30-39 years)


Twelve month membership

$220 for btw 30 – 34 years
($200 for renewals with prompt payment disc)

$440 for btw 35 – 39 years
($400 for renewals with prompt payment disc)

Enquire about a two-year membership and save

Membership Benefits:

  • Free entry to four INFINZ ELG events
  • Free and discounted entry to all other INFINZ events
  • Opportunity to apply for 12-month Mentorship
  • CPD Hours for your chosen profession
  • Half-price entry to INFINZ Annual Conference
  • Networking with senior leaders and peers

Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch


(over 40 years)


Twelve month membership

($400 for renewals with prompt payment disc)

Enquire about a two-year membership and save

Membership Benefits:

  • Free or discounted entry to at least four INFINZ events
  • Free and discounted entry to all other INFINZ events
  • Opportunity to Mentor an Emerging Leader for 12-months
  • CPD Hours for your chosen profession
  • Discounted access to INFINZ Annual Conference, INFINZ Awards
  • Input to advocacy
  • Opportunity to support developing emerging leaders and greater diversity
    in the industry

Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch

Retired &Offshore


Twelve month membership

($102.50 for renewals with prompt payment disc)

Enquire about a two-year membership and save

Membership Benefits: 
  • Free or discounted entry to at least four INFINZ events
  • Free and discounted entry to all other INFINZ events
  • CPD Hours for your chosen profession
  • Discounted access to INFINZ Annual Conference, INFINZ Awards
  • Input to advocacy
  • Opportunity to support developing emerging leaders and greater diversity
    in the industry

If you're a YFP and are heading overseas, enquire about obtaining an "INFINZ Membership Passport" - The Passport offers significant discount!

Members who are over 70 and have been members of INFINZ for more than 10 years, will receive complimentary membership. This recognises their long-standing contribution to INFINZ and the industry.

All members on parental leave will also receive complimentary membership - this is to facilitate their ongoing engagement with the market and keeping up to date with industry developments.

Retired membership is for those not in active engagement in the financial services eco-system.

After twelve months Membership, renewal invoices are issued automatically.

Please contact Iona on should you qualify for the various different memberships or have any questions.

Membership Profile

Members include institutional and investment bankers, sharebrokers and corporate financiers, CFOs, treasurers, directors, corporate lawyers, regulators, academics, journalists, tertiary students and funds management professionals.

INFINZ individual members are represented from organisations, some reflected in the table here.

Industry Segment

% Total Membership

Members are employees of following organisations

Bankers 18
Service Providers 15
Corporates and Issuers 12
Lawyers in professional services firms 12  
Academics and students 8
Corporate finance and those in professional accounting firms 9
Broking, Investment Banking 8
Investment Management 11
Public Sector 7  

constitution of Institute of finance professionals new Zealand incorporated

Policy, Privacy Rules


Fellowships and Distinguished Fellowships
Certified or Non-Certified


All members of INFINZ are required to abide by a Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. Read More


Continuing professional development is no longer required to be logged with INFINZ.


Privacy is important to the Institute of Finance Professionals NZ Inc, (INFINZ), a society incorporated in New Zealand under registration number 1210409. Read more.


Fellowships: For Fellow or Distinguished Fellow the eligibility will be:

a) Members of INFINZ who have at least ten years relevant industry experience; and

b) who have been in a senior position or senior executive position for at least five years; and executive position for at least five years; and

c) who have made a significant and valuable contribution to the industry

When the INFINZ Board calls for nominations for fellowships the nominators should contact for the appropriate form.

Leave of Absence: A Leave of Absence is intended to recognize temporary absence from the industry and therefore provide temporary relief from the membership requirements of INFINZ.

Any Leave of Absence is to be applied for in writing addressed to the Chairman of the INFINZ Membership Committee and the circumstances of the Leave of Absence must be addressed and the term of the Leave of Absence being sought should be stated.

The terms of a Leave of Absence are:

  • Suspension of annual membership subscription (pro rata)
  • Continued membership of INFINZ
  • Continued adherence to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
  • Continued supply of information from INFINZ such as the Journal, newsletters, and event notifications
  • Attendance at INFINZ events during a Leave of Absence will be charged at the non-member rate
  • Length of Leave of Absence will be determined by the Membership Committee on a case-by-case basis.

Retirement: The retirement policy recognises permanent withdrawal from but an ongoing interest in the industry. Retirement means permanently non-working members, not a change in career

Disciplinary Process & Rules: August 2015

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