Shifting the Dial on Diversity

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Whilst a lot of progress has been made to improve diversity across the finance ecosystem, much still needs to be done.

The INFINZ board has commissioned a report from consultants Cogo and SHIFT Compliance who heard from over 50 stakeholders on the barriers to greater representation and what initiatives that INFINZ and the wider industry could pursue to address these.

Download Report

On the 2nd July we held a webinar that briefed our members on the following:

  • What did stakeholders consider to be the greatest barriers to greater representation?
  • What solutions were proposed by those interviewed?
  • How does INFINZ intend to consult the wider ecosystem on collaboration to address these barriers?

Speakers included:

  • Will Goodwin, INFINZ Chair
  • Mahina Puketapu, Chair of INFINZ Maori Engagement Committee
  • Leah Scales, Board member of INFINZ Women in Senior Leadership Roles committee
  • Tania Domett, Founder and Director of Cogo Consulting
  • Prue Tyler, Founder of Shift Compliance 
  • Jim McElwain, Executive Director, INFINZ

Webinar Recording


How can you help?

Once you have read the report, we would welcome your feedback to help us consider the next steps. We will undertake to report back to members and stakeholders on the outcome of this consultation process by 30 September.

How can you provide Feedback?

You can either email us at with the answers to our questions below or click on the PROVIDE FEEDBACK button at the top of the page.

  • The highest priorities for action
  • Existing activities which INFINZ/ecosystem could adopt/amplify
  • What initiatives that the member/stakeholder would be able to support and how
  • Any other feedback
  • And would you like us to follow you up to discuss further

Provide Feedback

All other questions you have, please direct to this email and we’ll endeavour to respond at the earliest convenience.

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