tama potaka, tumu kaimahi

Chief Executive Officer
Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Trust

Tama is from Ngāti Hauiti - Mōkai Pātea, Whanganui - Ngāti Rangi, Taranaki - Ngāruahine, and Ngāti Raukawa - Toarangatira with connections across the lower North Island.

He was raised with a focus on education, marae and farming in Ruapehu and Rangitīkei before attending Te Aute College, Victoria University (Law, Politics and Māori Studies) and Columbia University (Law). Tama has practised as a lawyer in the United States and Aotearoa New Zealand and undertaken governance responsibilities across agribusiness, education, property development and other sectors.

Tama's professional career has included various management/advisory roles across the public sector, educational institutions, Māori business, and the NZ Super Fund.

Tama is married to Ariana and they have three innovative children - Tiaria Te Ikaroa, Te Awarua Tamatereka and Aorangi Te Āionuku. His whānau are focussed on holistic living, health and wellbeing, kaupapa Māori initiatives, and celebrating whānau. They sporadically undertake charitable activities that include organising mass health events, STEM education for children, editing and publishing books on ancestral wisdom, and the occasional published opinion.

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