Climate-Related Disclosures Masterclass Series

Climate-Related Disclosure Standards:
Practical guide for Directors & Senior Executives

One-day course to assist directors and senior executives understand the Climate Standard requirements at a strategic level, and appreciate the magnitude of the organisational change required.

Tuesday 14th November 2023
Pullman Hotel 
Level 14
Corner Waterloo Quadrant & Princes Street
Auckland City 


7.5 hours CPD
6 executive-focused sessions followed by networking drinks
In person: with morning and afternoon tea, lunch, and networking drinks provided

Climate-Related Disclosure Standards:  Practical guide for the C-suite to comply and take the opportunity to enhance the organisation’s resilience

  • Is your organisation prepared enough for the Climate Standards which are now in force?
  • How can your organisation enhance its resilience through robust planning to address climate adaptation and mitigation?
  • Have you a clear plan to bring the whole organisation together to plan the transition?

To assist directors and senior executives understand what these standards require at a strategic level, and to appreciate the nature and magnitude of the organisational change required, INFINZ has developed this unique and focused one-day course.

Effective 1 January 2023, the Climate-Related Disclosures (CRD) regime is now mandatory for New Zealand’s largest 200 financial institutions, including large listed equity and debt issuers, insurers, banks, and Managed Investment Scheme managers.  The associated Climate Standards, which support the regime, were developed by the External Reporting Board and finalised in December 2022.  

The Climate Standards seek to support the allocation of capital towards activities that are consistent with a transition to a low-emissions, climate-resilient future.  Because of this, the Climate Standards are far from a ‘tick the box’ compliance exercise.  Instead, they necessitate a strategic and transformational response from both those directly impacted by the regime - and the organisations interacting with them.  These Climate Standards make it clear that a ‘Business as Usual’ response will no longer suffice as we collectively build organisational resilience.  

Benefits & Outcomes

The course aims to equip directors and senior executives with the knowledge needed to understand, and then practically apply, the core elements of the Climate Standards.  It seeks to enlighten participants as to the impact the Climate Standards will have on their business model and strategy - notably to appreciate that the ‘Business as Usual’ approach is no longer an option as organisations transition to a low-carbon climate resilient economy. 

Crucially, this course moves the conversation well beyond ‘tick the box compliance’ to a conversation enabling participants to confidently and purposefully improve their organisation’s resilience through robust actions to address climate adaption and mitigation.  

The key objectives of the course are to have participants:  

  • understand the origins, mandate, core objectives, and key requirements of the Climate Standards
  • be cognisant of climate change, and how applying the Climate standards directly impacts their organisation’s strategy and business model and necessitates change
  • confidently challenge their organisation’s resilience to climate change, e.g. to evaluate the robustness of their current adaptation, mitigation and transition plans
  • recognise their organisation’s role in the wider societal response to climate change as we collectively transition to a low-carbon climate resilient economy
  • appreciate the expectations of directors, executive, and the role of regulator (FMA)
  • realise how the Climate Standards, and an organisation’s climate impacts, affect their financial reporting
  • look ahead at other leading developments in corporate reporting and areas of future focus both internationally and domestically
  • learn from leading peers as to the actions they have taken to embrace the opportunities these Climate Standards present.

Programme Overview

The one-day course is broken down into six executive-focused sessions and will be held in Auckland CBD.  Participants will engage with leading New Zealand practitioners and their peers, including through an interactive panel discussion. 

This intensive, practical, and educative course will provide participants with valuable linkages between the Climate Standards and the business imperative to transition, such as changes to an organisation’s operating model, supply chain, products and services, financial spending and investment plans etc.


The course is tailored to directors and senior executives and others with an interest in understanding how the Climate Standards necessitate an organisation-wide response in support of the transition.  It is expected the course would be of most benefit to senior professionals such as:

  • Board and audit committee members
  • Chief Executive Officers
  • CFO’s and Treasurers
  • Other senior executives
  • Legal Counsel and investor relations
  • Chief Risk Managers
  • Heads of strategy and/or operations
  • Strategic, legal and financial advisors to the C-suite


To ensure participants are able to obtain maximum benefit from the course, INFINZ requires each attendee to undertake pre-reading material to set the scene.  The reading will be provided in the members section of the website and will also be sent to each registrant prior to commencement.  


Tuesday 14th November 2023
Pullman Hotel 
Level 14
Corner Waterloo Quadrant & Princes Street
Auckland City 


Arrival Time: 8.45am
Time: 9am - 5.15pm
Drinks: until 7pm

SESSION 1. Climate Change And Climate Standards Fundamentals.

Content overview:
The session will provide participants with an overview of climate change risks and impacts and introduce the CRD Standards. 

Participants will gain an understanding of:

  • the fundamentals of climate-related risks and opportunities and why unpacking these are important
  • to appreciate the evolution of the Climate Standards
  • to understand the key objectives of the Climate Standards and its core elements
  • key actions required to lay the groundwork for effective disclosure
  • how to assess their organisation’s maturity against the requirements of the Climate Standards.


Erica Miles, Director, West Nine Consulting

SESSION 2. Climate Standards And The Business Response.

Content overview:
This session will provide guidance on how to take the core elements of the Climate Standards and apply them to strategic and operational decision making to achieve the transition. 

It will assist in moving the Climate Standards from a compliance requirement, to an important and useful tool in ensuring the future success of an organisation’s strategy and business model. 

Participants will learn:

  • how climate change risks and opportunities should be considered across different aspects of a company’s organisational framework and be used to inform future business models
  • the key transition risks and impacts, such as on cost to serve, insurance, access to capital etc
  • the key areas to consider when improving organisational resilience to climate change (including OPEX and CAPEX)
  • how to embed and operationalise climate risks, strategy, governance, metrics and reporting
  • the importance of establishing clear and defined feedback loops to support a dynamic, organisation-wide response.


Andrew JamiesonPartner, Sustainability & Climate Change, PwC

SESSION 3. Key Legal Risks From Climate-Related Disclosure.

Content overview:

This session will provide participants with an appreciation of:

  • director and executive expectations and liability for disclosures
  • the key legal risks to be aware of in making voluntary and mandatory disclosures, setting emissions targets, including misrepresentations and greenwashing
  • market trends in good governance of climate risk management and mandatory disclosures
  • key nuances associated with achieving compliance with NZ CS-2 (adoption provisions) and NZ CS-3 (general requirements), such as coherence, balance and accuracy.  

Participants will gain knowledge of:

  • the expectations of Boards and senior executive teams in the Climate Standards
  • key terms such as materiality, scope, and value chain and unpack their relevance to an organisation’s strategic response
  • the key legal risks to be aware of in making disclosures
  • key considerations and questions senior executives should be asking around achieving compliance with NZ CS-2 (adoption provisions) and NZ CS-3 (general requirements).


Nicola Swan, Partner, and Alana Lampitt, Partner - Environmental and Resource Management, Chapman Tripp

SESSION 4. Expectations Of The Regulator And Interplay With Financial Reporting.

Content overview:

The first part of this session will provide participants with an overview of the FMA’s:

  • role in the regime
  • regulatory approach
  • record keeping monitoring approach

The second part of this session will cover how the Climate Standards, and an organisations climate impacts affect their financial reporting. 

Participants will learn:

  • to understand the legislative requirements of the CRD regime
  • the FMAs initial regulatory approach to climate-related disclosures
  • what type of records the FMA would expect to be provided during monitoring reviews
  • what actions the FMA can take as the regulator and what they would consider serious misconduct
  • how the Climate Standards impacts affect financial reporting.


Jenika Phipps, Manager, Climate Related Disclosures and Jacco Moison, Head of Audit, Financial Reporting & Climate Related Disclosures, FMA

SESSION 5. What’s Next – Moving Beyond Climate Reporting.

Content Overview:

The session will provide participants with an insight into the latest developments in climate reporting and broader sustainability reporting related work. 

The session will outline the likely wider reporting expectations anticipated over the coming years in this rapidly developing and evolving space.

Participants will gain an understanding of:

  • the XRB’s role going forward, and the latest guidance notes available
  • key global developments in Climate Standards and how Aotearoa New Zealand aligns
  • key local and international developments in wider sustainability-themed reporting
  • developments in assurance requirements over Climate Statements and what senior executives should be prepared for.


Lisa Kelsey, Senior Project Manager - Climate Standards, External Reporting Board (XRB) 

SESSION 6. Tips And Tricks - Panel Discussion With NZ’s Leading Executives.

Content Overview:

To conclude the course, INFINZ will bring together two to three of New Zealand’s leading directors and senior executives in an interactive panel discussion. 

This discussion will provide participants with practical insights based on their experiences to date in integrating climate resilience into their organisation, including how to get started, how to ensure an organisation-wide response, and how to effect the changes the Climate Standards call for.


Miranda James, Head of ESG: ANZ; Chair: NZ Bankers Association

Linda RobertsonDirector: Alpine Energy; NZ Local Government Funding Agency; NETcon; Horizon Energy Group; Kordia Group; Invercargill City Holdings; SBS Bank; Chair: Crown Irrigation Investments; Central Lakes Trust

Jason Hollingworth, CFO: Vector


Erica Miles, Director: West Nine Consulting


Chapman Tripp

West Nine Consulting

Vector Limited

External Reporting Board

Chapman Tripp

Independent Director

Cost & Registration


Tea, coffee, morning tea and lunch provided
- plus networking drinks and nibbles 

INFINZ member price
$890 including GST

Non-member price
$1100 including GST



10% discount off total if 2 or more registrants are from the same organisation
33% discount for members located outside of the Auckland Region

Please note - only one of the above discounts applies to any one registrant

Refund Ts & Cs 
Tickets can be transferred to another person at any time without penalty (provided they are from the same charging group)
Full refund if cancelled more than 28 days prior to conference
50% refund if cancelled between 14 and 28 days prior
25% refund if cancelled between 7 and 14 days prior
No refund if cancelled within 7 days of the event


Email Faith Robertson on to register


Iona Gibbs on to enquire about membership

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