Kristen Kohere-Soutar

Chair Mercer NZ
Director Ngai Tahu Holdings

Kristen has had a long career in governance and executive management roles in both iwi, philanthropy and in the wider finance industry. 

Kristen is presently Chair of Mercer New Zealand, a subsidiary of global investment firm Marsh McLennan, a Director on Ngāi Tahu Holdings Corp and Trust Tairawhiti.  She is also the Executive Director of Te Pitau Limited, a NZ Manuka industry and Māori entity. 

Kristen was also a previous Chair of Whai Rawa Fund Limited, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu’s managed investment scheme and the first female director appointed to Ngāti Porou Holdings Company.  Previous held directorships also include ASB Community Trust and Aotearoa Credit Union. 

After completing an LLB/BA Kristen commenced her corporate career with KPMG and a short stint at Minter Ellison while later leading the development of the first corporate wide Māori banking strategy for a large New Zealand bank. 

Kristen is from Te Whānau ā Hauiti Hapū, Rangiatea Station, East Cape, and from a number of hapū in Te Waipounamu.  Her mother is Australian.  She is married to Barry Soutar and they have five children together and live in Gisborne.

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